Title: Eco-Republic: What the Ancients Can Teach Us about Ethics, Virtue, and Sustainable Living, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: The Birth of Politics: Eight Greek and Roman Political Ideas and Why They Matter, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: Triple Holiday Play, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: Plato's Progeny: How Plato and Socrates Still Captivate the Modern Mind, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: Of Rule and Office: Plato's Ideas of the Political, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: My Dirty Billionaire, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: His Gift, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: Twist Me, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: Eco-Republic: What the Ancients Can Teach Us about Ethics, Virtue, and Sustainable Living, Author: Melissa  Lane
Title: The Birth of Politics: Eight Greek and Roman Political Ideas and Why They Matter, Author: Melissa  Lane